Schedule Update...Art For ?

It's a bit early to post my actual schedule but rumor is that I will only be at TWO schools this year. Wow, I am so happy! I will miss my students at the one school but am excited about what I will be able to accomplish with this schedule! This will be so much easier than when I had FOUR schools a couple years back!


  1. I can't imagine 3 or 4 different schools a week! I teach in two schools,one is K-2 and one is 3-5 and that fills my week completely! I actually have 6 extra classes this year and my schedule is now bursting at the seams! I'm happy for you that you are going to be able to devote more time to the students you have! Good luck and have a good year! :)

    1. Thanks Mrs. C, I usually work best under pressure so I'm not sure how this is going to work but I am so excited to have just two to focus on. Hope you have a wonderful year!

  2. Great news! This arrangement is better for everyone.

    Here's to a great year, Sebring. The students you serve are lucky to be able to work with you.

    1. Thanks Mr. B, Can't wait to see what it's like with the two schools.
      Loved watching your little bean yesterday!


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