Thanks to Phyl at There's a Dragon in my Art room. . She gave me the great idea of using Batik to explore shapes and color with my fifth grade students. The best secret is the recipe! No messy, scary's TOOTHPASTE and LOTION! Seriously who would have thought? I have seven sections of fifth grade students (about 200 kiddos). I purchased 10 yards of muslin at Joanns (with coupon) and 5 bottles of the cheap dollar store aloe vera lotion along with at least 40 tubes of white toothpaste. The dollar store employees think I take my dental hygiene to a crazy level. I used old ketchup containers to mix the recipe half and half. Shake well. The students studied shapes, overlapping, composition and using rulers and cardboard came up with a nice geometric composition on paper. Miro, Stuart Davis, Mondrian would be good exemplars to use. The paper was taped to a piece of cardboard then a small piece of muslin wrappe...