Native American Storytellers

Forgive my absence. Not sure what happened to March but it has been weeks since I posted. Oh, yeah that crazy Masters program that is consuming every single free moment of my life is what has happened. Hang in there with me, December will be here soon and I will be finished!

I tried a new project to support the study of Native Americans that our third graders do every year. Also our grade levels have reading buddies so I wanted to do something that celebrates the idea of reading to someone. Not all my students have had a parent read to them or have time to pass family traditions or stories down. I tell them the story of my brother leaving me while I got stung by bees (Oh no Jeff, it's now in print for the world!)

Anyway, I'm having some trouble transferring pictures from phone to email to blog so I can only get two of them to appear. I love the faces on these. You have to realize the students had only two 30 minute sessions to complete their person and tree.

 I just love the print the student added to his book!


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