
Thanks to who gave me the idea for this bulletin board. When our district kicked off the new school year, teachers spent time "Tweeting" each other as part of our break out session. While I lOVE lots of technology I am still a bit old school and like paper and pencil in hand. My oldest son is a SUPER senior in architecture and I remember him telling me how some students struggled with perspective drawing because they had learned only in a computer program unlike Jeff who learned the way I did over 25 years ago. Just today I had a teacher ask me advice about her son's college direction and I always say, "Tons of kids want to be game designers or graphic designers, do them a favor and make them take a ceramics or sculpture class, they need to experience 3D, hands on." Okay, off my soapbox. This was just a fun idea and by 2:00 the board was FULL of ideas on how "Awesome" a teacher is or how a grade level "Rocks!"  Oh, the How To, I drew the Twitter on colored paper and then cut 9" x 12 strips. They were laminated and I hung a wipe off marker on a string.


  1. Love this idea! I think I'm going to put it on my door, and let kids use it as a "ticket out the door".

    Heidi Raki
    Raki's Rad Resources

    1. This is a great idea! I would use this, if I had older students. Another idea, use like 4 different colors and on a different day have students respond to one tweet of their choice, or of the same/different color as theirs, etc.

      We are ALL Special!

  2. I absolutely love this idea! How did you connect the strips to the wall? I am trying to figure out a way to have students fill them out at their desks and then place them on the wall as they leave.

  3. I stapled everything. The lamination helped, but wasn't perfect for wiping off the "Tweets" every week. I'd would make extra white strips depending on how long you keep your board up. Also, the string with wipe-off marker kept falling off so get sticky sided velcro to keep a wipe off pen close by. Thanks for your comment!

  4. I am planning on doing this, but will use velcro strips so the kids can write on them at their desks. I have found that the wet-dry markers work better than dry-erase markers on laminated things, so I hope that helps!

  5. I want to do do this but want it to be about the content we covered for that day. Did your strips stay on the wall all year and you just erased it? I'm trying to see how all this plays out in my head. I teach 3 different grade levels, so would need to be able to remove them from class to class. Any help and/or advice you could give me would be great!

    kswin33 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks Kara,
      My bulletin boards usually stay up for 2 weeks. I think I erased the "Tweets" every couple of days. What if you used three different colored post it notes for your three classes and had the students put them up on your Twitter board? Or, if each student had their own strip with their name and hour on it, you could either staple or use velcro (expensive) to attach.

  6. I'm starting this with my high school students tomorrow. I cut out the word twitter and taped it to my dry erase board. Under it I'm going to write a daily #hashtag (question) for them to answer as an exit slip. I put a magnet basket under the question to collect their answers on scrap papers they'll use when turning in. THANKS for the awesome idea!

  7. So happy you can use the idea. It works well with all grade levels except the youngest. It is by far my most visited post. Take some pics and share!
    Thanks again

  8. HI Jody,

    I would love to use the image you've posted here in my iOs App "Lesson Planner" I'm just updating it and have included a section on using a "twitter" style 140 characters to have students summarise the learning objectives in their own words at the start of class. Your image, and your idea is awesome. I'd love to use it. I'll happily link back to this post from the app :) There are some great ideas here that everyone should read :)

    Selena Woodward - English Teacher and Nerd ;)

  9. Jody, just realised I didn't leave a contact address!! You can find me at on twitter @teachertechnol or via email selena.woodward@teachertechnologies dot com :) I look forward to hearing from you :)

  10. Hi Selena, I just returned from Boston so I hope you received my comment on your blog. The email I sent you kicked back on me. Yes, yes use what you can. Sharing is the best thing teachers do. I did get the original idea from Mrs. Whites blog, but tweeked it a bit. This is my most popular post.

  11. Love it! How did you make the twitter sign?

  12. Hi Cnythia, I used turqoise paper and just looked at the shapes of the Twitter logo, traced light in pencil, cut them out and glued them on white paper. It didn't take long but I laminated everything so it would last.


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