Color Theory and so much MORE…
This is a great lesson for
so many reasons.
The students start by folding a paper in half, then again and
again. I use vocabulary such as landscape and portrait. I know some use hotdog, hamburger, soldier, etc., but I figure if they can remember those names they can use these terms that they will need in the computer lab. Yes, folding is tough for lower and some Upper El students.
The students
then paint over the creases creating boxes. I asked first graders to fill each
box with a geometric shape or flower. Second graders focused on creating oval
shapes. For the second day students fill their shapes with one of 8
colors. The key is that they can only
use a color ONE time. What to do after they have used 8 colors and still have
shapes to fill? MIX! Students are so
empowered by this process. You would think they have discovered a new
planet. After the colors are dried we
add pattern and other things to the artwork and I will show that in a later
post. Happy Weekend!
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