One of my favorite projects, and yes I'm known to say that about several but really these are beautiful. The great story about these is that the foam was FREE! Yes, always ask parents what they do or where they work! This year I was given over $200 in foam that would have ended up in a landfill and now two grade levels at THREE schools are making some incredible prints. These were made by Third graders at CE and PKE. I have two schools of 4th grade right now that are working on sea animals in a larger pieces of foam. In the past two weeks I was given some wonderful color paper, a large amount of mosaic tiles, paint chip samples and tablecloths. Last summer I was given over 1,000 plain tiles. Storage is often an issue but the money that is saved and of course I feel as though we are being good stewards to our planet! YES, huge fan of UPCYCLING!